1.2. at 14:00 performnace at gallery Konírna - Prague Castle - for the exhibition "Srdce je chrám" - Kučerová - Pinkava - Komm
6. and 7.2. at 19:00 THIN SKIN in DOX center for contemporary art in Prague
18., 19., 20., 21.2. THIN SKIN in Oulu /Finland/
4.,5., 6.4. THIN SKIN in Trafó House, Budapest /Hungary/ for festival MUCH
9., 10., 11.,12.5. THIN SKIN in Bahía /Argentina/ at Bahia Teatro
5.6. OBRYSY in České Budějovice
9.7. performance in Diod Jihlava
14., 15.7. KOMÍN / CHIMNEY - at Holport Holešovice Praha for festival Za Dveřmi
20.9. KOMÍN / CHIMNEY in Žatec
21., 22.,23.,24.,25.9. CROSSING in Oulu /Finland/
29. and 30.9. at 19:00 THIN SKIN in DOX center for contemporary art in Prague
8. and 9.11. THIN SKIN in Vilnius /Lithuania/ for Cirkulacije festival