15.2. 19:30 THIN SKIN work in progress in Diod Jihlava

18.2. 20:00 THIN SKIN - work in progress for Cirkopolis fest in Akropolis Prague (premiere on the 23.,24.10. in DOX Prague)

22.2. 18:00 and 21:30 FISH EYE in Avoid Gallery at Prague Náplavka for festival Malá Inventura

4.3.  ENOLA 19:00 KD Mlejn, Prague, money from the sold tickets going for Ukraine

22.4. ENOLA 19:30 KD Mlejn, Prague

24.4. OPTICON 17:00 CSK Lublin, festival Incydent Polski

28.4. ENOLA 19:00 divadlo Bravo, Prague

31.5. ENOLA 19:00 Dolné Orešany /SK/, festival Fun Fatale

11.6. and 12.6. STAIRCASE - Cirkuliacija festival in Kaunas, Lithuania, site-specific duet with Ilona Jäntti, created especially for Cirkuliacija

24.6. HANG OUT in Karlovy Vary (Vzbuďme Vary!, Výměník)

24.6. REZ/ERVACE - 14:00 and 21:00 in Dresden

8.,9.,10.7. HANG OUT - for Mannheim festival (with german audio)

24.7. FISH EYE kids' version at Fresh Dance Fest Lanškroun

15.8. at 17:00 and 19:30 HANG OUT festival Letní Letná - special version for chapiteau

3.9. FISH EYE kids' version and HANG OUT short version at festival Sobota na Dálnici, Ostopovice

16.9. at 21:50 FISH EYE at foyer of Horácké theatre in Jihlava, festival Malá Inventura v regionech

17.9. OBRYSY at Zažít město jinak, Prague - Pernerova

19.9. OBRYSY / OUTLINES - in studio Bubec

12.10. ENOLA - Na Shledanou galerie in Volyně

23. and 24.10. at 19:00: THIN SKIN premiere in DOX Prague


25. and 26.11. at 19:00 THIN SKIN in DOX, Prague